Yuwa Spirit

For the young at heart

Dec 21, 2008

Help Help Help

This is a simple help meant for the authors of the blog. Much of the things are pretty straight forward, but here are some points to get your blog viewed by others..

  • Put labels to your articles, you can type several of your key words in the labels space at the end of create post page.
  • There are six main catagories, namely Fashion, Music, Movies, Techno, Happenings and Miscellaneous. These catagories appear at the top of the page. Be sure to include any one of these catagories in the labels so that your articles can be assessed from the top navigational bars. For example, if you have written something about your latest mobile phone, you can label it Techno, you can also label it fashion if the mobile is pretty fashionable, but include in only the relevant catagories :).


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